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Voice Search Optimization: Preparing Your Content for the Future

Voice Search Optimization: Preparing Your Content for the Future

Are you tired of typing on your tiny keyboard, eyes squinted at your screen, scrolling through endless pages of results? Well, you’re not alone. Many people, like yourself, have long been awaiting a fully functioning voice search to blow traditional searching out of the water. And it seems that everybody’s prayers are being answered. Many experts believe that voice search is in fact the next big thing in the digital world. We’re here to help you prepare your content for a voice search-centric future. Let’s discuss.

According to a recent report, experts predict that voice searches will account for 50% of all online queries by 2025. That means that if you want your site to stay relevant and competitive, you need to start optimizing your content for voice search. 

But how do you do that? How do you create content that appeals to both humans and machines, that can be easily understood by all voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant while following sales and marketing optimization best practices? Sounds like a lot, we know. But don’t worry, we’ll cover all your fundamental need-to-knows and first steps.


What is Voice Search and How is it Different from Text Search?

The first step to creating strong voice search content is understanding the difference between voice and text search. Voice search, somewhat obviously, is the process of using your voice to ask a question or make a request to any device with a voice assistant installed. What difference does this make in terms of content optimization? 

Voice search is more conversational and natural than text speech. People use longer and more complex sentences when they speak, rather than short and simple keywords. For example, someone might type “weather in Austin” on a search engine, but say “Hey Siri, what’s the weather like in Austin today?” on a voice assistant. This leads us to voice search content being more contextual and personalized than text search. Your voice assistant has access to all information you share with it, meaning results will be more relevant to you personally. Lastly, people use voice search to get quick answers, solutions, or tasks done, rather than browsing or researching. Someone might use voice search to order a pizza, ask a question, or play a song. 


How to Use Keywords, Phrases, and Questions to Match Voice Search Intent?

Aligning with SEO best practices, one of the key factors that affects your voice search ranking is how well your content matches the user’s intent. You need to use relevant, natural, and specific language in your content to match the user’s voice search.

Use long-tail keywords, natural language, question words, and local keywords to get the best results. This essentially boils down to using complete phrases, sentences, thoughts, and questions that you would use when talking to another person. For example, instead of using the phrase “voice search SEO”, something like “how to optimize your site for voice search” will net you more voice search hits on your site. 


Schema Markups, AI Content Personalization, and FAQs

One of the best ways to optimize your voice search content and rank higher is by taking advantage of AI content personalization, schema markup, FAQs, and featured snippets. These are elements that can help you enhance your content’s appearance and functionality on the search engines, and increase your chances of being chosen as the prime voice search result.

While your content should rarely ever be 100% AI produced, AI content personalization can assist you with sales funnel optimization. With the help of AI, you can create content that is tailored to the specific needs, preferences, and behavior of your target audience. Relevant content is key to success, and allows customers to flow smoothly through the sales funnel.

This goes even further when you are favored by a search engine. You can increase your odds of landing a coveted first page spot by leverage schema markup, FAQs, and featured snippets. Schema markup is a code that you can add to your HTML that provides the search engine with more information about your content. You can indicate what type of content your page is, and can generate rich snippets that display additional details. 

FAQs are answers to frequently asked questions about your topic, product, or service. They can help you address the most common queries of your audience, and provide the search engine with question words and natural language that rank for voice search. Featured snippets operate in a similar fashion, and can provide a direct and concise answer to a user’s query. They are often used as the voice search answer by voice assistants.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to create content that is future-ready, voice-friendly, and user centric. You’ll also be able to rank higher on search engines, drive traffic, and increase conversions, which is what we all want at the end of the day.


Where CETDIGIT Comes In

CETDIGIT empowers businesses with expert HubSpot and Salesforce solutions, enhancing CRM strategies to drive growth. Specializing in personalized CRM implementations, they optimize lead-to-deal conversions and customer experiences through data-driven insights. CETDIGIT is your partner in digital transformation, offering a suite of services from digital marketing to cybersecurity, tailored to meet your unique business needs. Contact us today to learn how we can help you!

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