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Salesforce For Music Community | Cetrix Cloud Services

Live Nation

Salesforce Enabled Live Nation To Bring All Of Their Services Under One Umbrella.

“Thanks to Salesforce, we can now focus on a great product without needing to think about the underlying technology.”

Live Nation Entertainment sold 400 million online tickets in 2016. They realized that through their existing channels, they had collected the largest quantity of consumer, trending, and purchase behavior data about live entertainment anywhere in the world. Despite this fact, they had also identified that they had achieved very little with the data and were in an enviable position for change. Further to this, they also acknowledged that over the previous years, almost 40% of their tickets had remained unsold. Live Nation sought a data management system that could dissect and analyze their data in a way that would enable them very direct targeting for potential sales.

Live Nation identified the following key areas for success when implementing a data management solution:

  • The overriding need was that the organization should utilize the data they had available to them in a far more defined and progressive manner.
  • Data access should be immediate, collaborative and global, and should drive their Websites and Apps. The solution should provide tools to enable them to make key collection, analysis, and predictions.
  • That every interaction they have with a customer should be personalised and as relevant to that individual as possible. They wanted to be adding value to every communication with every customer.
  • Each customer should feel that their contact with Live Nation is not just a 'sale' but part of a musical relationship. The experience should allow the fan to feel that they are on a journey incorporating the artists' tour announcements, sales openings, tour details, at the show, and the sensation of 'afterwards'.

Salesforce enabled Live Nation to bring all of their services under one umbrella, across all their operating countries; each of their 15,000 staff would use it. This meant that all staff were using the same data access portal resulting in streamlined training and increased confidence. Through their use of Salesforce, Live Nation found that they could take a step back from concerns about their data and could focus on providing a great product without needing to think about the underlying technology. Using Salesforce's toolkit enabled Live Nation to mine their data quicker, easier and more effectively to make key collection, analysis, and predictions. This data could then be used to achieve one of their top goals: adding value to every communication. The relationship between Live Nation and their clients became more of a social journey than simply a set of bookings. By being able to concentrate on the UX of their Apps and Websites, they were able to drive forward sales and increase repeat business. They have moved from a ticket-sales organisation to a music community; a far better place in which to be.

Quick Facts

Live Nation found that through their staff using the same portal that it streamlined training and increased confidence.

Salesforce enabled Live Nation to take a step back from concerns about their data and to focus on providing a great product.

Salesforce's toolkit enabled Live Nation to mine their data quicker, easier and more effectively

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